Poor Performance

Poor test performance is almost always a result of poor work habits or a poor foundation. In an effort to help all students succeed in their math classes, Liberty Tutorials has developed the following strategy for struggling students.

Since the best way to succeed in the future is to build on a firm foundation:

The struggling student should complete a test correction, correcting all missed problems and showing his work. Showing the work is important so the instructor can properly evaluate where problems are occurring and give students direction in overcoming those problems. Thus, incomplete corrections will not be accepted or graded, and the student will be instructed to try again. Test corrections are required for tests with grades of C or lower. A prerequisite for doing a test correction is completing the homework, as described in the homework policies.

Since understanding mathematics begins in the classroom:

Parents are asked to oversee struggling students’ class participation. They need to make sure students are attending class, paying attention in class, and staying engaged during class. The best way for students to stay engaged and notice details is to take notes and write all of the problems that the teacher does in class in their own notebook.

Since the key to mastering mathematics is doing the homework:

Parents are asked to take an active role in the homework process for a struggling student. Parents need to make sure that the student is not simply copying answers from the back of the book. Parents should encourage the student to show all work neatly for each problem. Parents may want to consider doing the homework alongside the student so that they can discuss how to approach problems that the student finds more difficult to solve. Please refer to homework policies.

Since math builds from year to year, and current struggles may be the result of insufficient preparation:

If students continue to struggle, it is recommended that they begin working on a regular basis with a a knowledgeable person in a one-on-one setting. Some families have a parent or older sibling who can work with the student on a consistent basis, working through missed homework problems and building proper understanding. Other families will need to hire a tutor. Parents are responsible for both finding a tutor and paying tutoring fees.

Please understand that struggling students will continue to struggle unless significant changes are made. Struggling students who fail to make the changes outlined above may be removed from the class and no refunds will be given.